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Fire & Water - Cleanup & Restoration

How to Prepare for Flood Damage

5/16/2022 (Permalink)

How to Prepare for Flood Damage

The drainage system used by businesses can affect the extent of storm damage in the city. This is particularly true during or after flooding occurs. It is important to keep gutters and storm drains clear to help minimize overall flood damage.

Property Drainage

Your responsibility starts with keeping your commercial property’s drainage system clear, particularly during storm season. Storm damage restoration companies suggest the following tips to ensure proper drainage:

Check gutters and drain pipes at least once a week, especially before and after a storm.
Inspect your property for signs of erosion or shifts in the earth around it.
Plant vegetation with a strong root system to slow down the flow of water into the city’s storm drains.
Report any problems to the local authorities so that the issue can be remedied.

You can help minimize the effects of flooding on the foundation of your buildings as well as the properties adjacent to yours if you are vigilant.

Outlying Drainage

Your ability to help keep the city’s drainage system working properly does not stop at your property line. Avoid sweeping landscaping cuttings or trash into the street, because it can clog storm drains. In fact, it is a good idea to have grounds crew members clear debris off the storm drains near your property. They should not attempt to lift the grate or put their hands between its bars, even if they see a problem below it. Instead, you should report problems to city officials who can clear the storm drain safely.

Minimizing storm damage is everyone’s responsibility. You can help protect the water supply in St Michael, MN when flooding occurs by routinely keeping the drainage system on and around your property clear. Storm water runoff from roofs and parking lots is often contaminated, so it is necessary to direct it to the appropriate areas. You cannot always avoid flood damage altogether, but you can contribute to faster recovery and clean up if you keep gutters and storm drains clear of debris.

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